
非洲人道主义研究 Graduate Certificate



概述: The purpose of the Graduate Certificate in 非洲人道主义研究 is to channel the growing interest shown by students today in research 和 careers related to humanitarian interventions in non-western settings related to poverty, 自然灾害, 和冲突. While 非洲研究 at newbb电子平台 presents a holistic view of the continent there is call to focus on the role of the world community in resolving some of Africa’s most pressing humanitarian issues. The Certificate takes advantage of the faculty members teaching in association with the newbb电子平台 National Resource Center for 非洲研究 和 the Institute for the African Child, as well as faculty in programs such as 国际发展研究, Communication 和 Development Studies, 或公共行政. There are only h和fuls or American universities offering a similar program.

学生 plan their course of study for the Certificate with the assistance of the program advisor. They may choose to focus on project planning for interventions, on the culture or politics of humanitarian crises 和 their aftermath, 或者冲突解决研究. Courses chosen for study in the Certificate provide tools for students wishing to advance a career related to this field.

毕业机会: Many students pursuing graduate study in internationally-focused fields at newbb电子平台 are seeking careers in governmental 和 nongovernmental organizations that plan 和 implement responses to humanitarian crises in Africa, 亚洲和拉丁美洲. The Graduate Certificate in 非洲人道主义研究 will appeal to those students who may have had internship experiences abroad with such organizations 和 seek to upgrade their credentials for further employment, or to help students seeking jobs with these organizations to focus their course work in that direction. Research on humanitarian interventions is needed as well 和 some students may seek the credential to shape dissertation 和 other research projects.


Dr. Ghirmai NegashDr. 乔纳森Agensky 



学生 should complete 12 credit hours of core courses in humanitarian studies.

  • MPA 5680: Non-profit Fundraising (3.0HR)
  • MPA 5890:非营利组织管理(2.0HR)
  • POLS 5560: International Organization (3.0HR)
  • POLS 5410:非洲政治(3.0HR)
  • GEOG 5410: Geography of Hunger 和 Food Security (4.0HR)
  • ECON 5500: Development Economics (4.0HR)
  • INST 5903: Special Topics in Africa (4.0HR)
  • EDAD 7310: Conflict Management in Educational Administration (4.0HR)
  • JOUR 5670: Foreign Correspondence (3.0HR)
  • POLS 5880: Environmental 和 Public Policy Dispute Resolution (3.0HR)
  • COMS 6200: Communication in Social Conflict (4.0HR)



学生 should complete four (4) credit hours of elective courses.

  • ANTH 5450: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3.0HR)
  • ANTH 5530: Anthropology of Violence 和 Peace (3.0HR)
  • ANTH 5550:医学人类学(3.0HR)
  • ANTH 5944: Seminar in Human Ecology (3.0HR)
  • HLTH 6140: Public Health Services in Underserved Rural Populations (3.0HR)
  • HLTH 6150: Maternal 和 Child Health in Africa (3.0HR)
  • HLTH 6240: Community Health Programs (3.0HR)
  • HLTH 6480: Ethical Issues in Health Care (3.0HR)
  • HLTH 6770: Grant 和 Proposal Writing in Public Health (3.0HR)
  • SW 5213: Child Abuse 和 Neglect (3.0HR)
  • SW 6822: Designing Rural Services (3.0HR)
  • SOC 5650:社会变革(3).0HR)
  • POLS 5400: The Politics of Developing Areas (3.0HR)
  • POLS 5565: International Human Rights (3.0HR)
  • EDAD 7072:教育 & Development in Developing Countries (3.0HR)
  • EDAD 8800: Rural Schools 和 Communities (4.0HR)
  • ECON 5150: Economics of Health Care (4.0HR)
  • GEOG 5480: Migration 和 Development (4.0HR)
  • GEOG 5310:非洲地理.0HR)
  • GEOG 5580: Environmental Hazards (4.0HR)
  • GEOG 5470: Natural Resource Conservation (4.0HR)
  • GEOG 5450: Gender, Environment, 和 Development (4.0HR)
  • ES 5250:流域管理.0HR)
  • ES 6830: Concepts in Environmental Sustainability (3.0HR)
  • INST 5901: Special Topics in Africa: Contemporary Issues in Africa (4.0HR)
  • INST 5902: Special Topics in Africa: Literature, Media, 和 the Arts (4.0HR)
  • INST 5101: Seminar for the African Child (4.0HR)
  • COMS 5200: Cross-Cultural Communication (4.0HR)
  • COMS 6210: Negotiation 和 Mediation (4.0HR)
  • HIST 5213: War, Violence, Modernity (4.0HR)
  • HIST 5411: History of Africa Since 1850 (4.0HR)
  • ANTH 5620: Human Rights, Law 和 Justice (3.0HR)



学生 should complete four (4) hours of capstone project in African humanitarian studies.

  • INST 6930:独立研究(1.0-4.0HR)
  • INST 6940:专业项目(1.0-10.0HR)